<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Elizabeth Ribble - Steps 1 and 2

Income and MA-LTC

Elizabeth Ribble - Steps 1 and 2

To Do: Read Elizabeth Ribble’s case scenario found on the first page of the Elizabeth Ribble Case Packet.  Then complete Sections 1 (Overview questions) and Section 2 (Process Steps 1 and 2) on the following pages of her packet.  Return to this page to check your answers.

Question 6.

Yes, Elizabeth has a medical spenddown for April.

A Spenddown Worksheet (DHS-1829) has been completed for April (PDF). Remedial care is listed, but comes after M bills, so the expense is not actually used as incurred in the month of the spenddown.

Check your completed Steps 1 and 2 chart against a completed version (PDF).


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The MA-LTC Medical Expense Deduction - Deduction Process

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Updated September 15, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).