<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Processing Step 6 - Notify the Client

Income and MA-LTC

Processing Step 6 - Notify the Client

After approving MA-LTC eligibility, you must notify the client of how the reported medical expenses were used or not used.  

The Reported Medical Expenses Notice of Action (DHS-6059C) form is used for this notification, if you cannot enter worker comments on the notice.  You must complete all tables on the form, as needed, based on the instructions provided in the prior section of this module.

We are now able to complete the DHS-6059C for Elizabeth to inform her of how medical expenses she provided were used to determine eligibility or add the information to a system notice using worker comments if space allows.

To Do: Complete Section 6 of Elizabeth Ribble’s Case Packet.  Return to this page to check your answers.


Page 6

The MA-LTC Medical Expense Deduction - Deduction Process

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Updated September 15, 2021.
Copyright © 2011 Health Care Eligibility and Access (HCEA).