<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Step 4 - Determine the Monthly Maintenance Need

Income and MA-LTC

Step 4 - Determine the Monthly Maintenance Need

After determining the excess shelter allowance, the next step is to determine the community spouse’s monthly maintenance need by adding the minimum monthly income allowance to the excess shelter allowance.

The minimum monthly income allowance is found in Appendix F of the EPM and changes July of each year.

Excess Shelter Allowance
+  Minimum Monthly Income Allowance
Monthly Maintenance Need

If there is no excess shelter allowance because the community spouse’s monthly shelter costs are less than the basic shelter allowance, minimum monthly income allowance is used as the community spouse’s monthly maintenance need.


Page 7

LTC Income Calculation - Community Spouse Income Allocation

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Updated September 15, 2021.
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